Riccardo Dolcetti Australasian Melanoma Conference 2018

Riccardo Dolcetti

Prof. Riccardo Dolcetti is a clinician scientist with MD specializations in Oncology and Clinical Immunology with >20 y research experience in cancer immunology/immunotherapy. As Director of the Cancer Bio-Immunotherapy Division at the CRO-National Cancer Institute of Aviano, Italy, he performed cutting-edge science in the fields of immunopathogenesis and therapy of infection-driven tumours, lymphomas, colorectal and breast cancer. He designed and co-led clinical trials of immunotherapy for cancer patients, particularly those with breast cancer. In 2015, he relocated to Brisbane as Chair in Cancer Medicine, Diamantina Institute, University of Queensland, where he coordinated the Cancer Immunotherapy Program, and contributed to the development of novel cancer vaccines. In 2020, he took the role of Head, Clinical and Translational Immunotherapy as joint appointment at the Sir Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, University of Melbourne and Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre. He had the privilege to be the President of the Italian Society for Cancer Research in 2012-13.

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